Sunday, 15 May 2011

Sun May 15th

Lindsey is continuing to make slow but steady progress. The hospital appointments are getting less now as well. We are down to weekly blood tests which are still being done at home and weekly visits from the Physio which are also still at home for the time being. Last Thursday she went for a Ct head scan,we wont get the results of this until we have a follow up appointment with the consultant we will be advised of this by post. Lins can now walk 2 room lengths with the aid of the walking frame, this is really excellent it does however tire her out and she needs a lot of rest in between. When the Physio comes on Tues he is going to bring a smaller less cumbersome frame for her to try as he thinks she is ready now to move on. Another big breakthrough, She  has managed to sit on the sofa this is the first time she has sat on anything other than her wheelchair or bed since she came home, it was so lovely to see her relaxed and comfortable as she gets really stiff in the wheelchair after a while. Throughout it all Lindseys sense of humour has remained, she is very funny and we laugh a lot, there are some tears but mainly laughs.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Thurs 5th May

Has been quite a good week the weather has been brilliant so we have spent a lot of time outdoors. Since last week Lins had made good progress she has actually seen a physio at last,his name is Graham and he has now been to see her 3 times.  She is now able to get herself up without support from me and has managed to take 10 steps which is a major breakthrough.  Progress is slow and she still complains about being in a lot of pain but its improving.  She has also been discharged from the district nurse so another step in the right direction. Next week we have an app for a CCT scan this will rule out completely the notion that she had suffered from some form of epilepsy, Lins doesn't want to go but I see no harm in ruling something else out of the equation.