Friday, 1 July 2011

Frid 1st July

Lins is continuing to make progress but it seems to have slowed down somewhat. She is now down to walking with one crutch, but tiredness continues to be an issue and she does not cover much distance, also her ankle continues to give her pain.  She has now been discharged by the physio who says it just a case of building up daily to improve on what she is already doing.  On Monday she is going to have an Echo cardiogram which is jsut routine 3 month follow up. The INR in her blood seems to be a bit eratic and she is having blood test every 5 days at the moment much to her disgust as they find it quite difficult to get her blood and often leave her with bruising.
What has happened to Lindsey has left her confused and a little bitter, she doesnt think its fair that everything happens to her and I have to agree with her its not fair, any of us would have gone through it for her if we could but thats not how life works is it. I think the whole experience has brought us closer as a family and made us appreciate each other a little bit more