Friday, 25 February 2011

The week from Hell Frid 18th Feb

18th Feb

The day started normal I got up at usual time for for work. Lindsey had been sick in the night which is very unusual for her, I thought she would spend the day at home , however I bumped into her in the hall and she was as bright as a button, I continued as normal and went off to work. Had an uneventful day and came home around 215ish had lunch and was sitting watching TV, the phone rang it was Richard from the day center Lindsey had collapsed and they called an ambulance for her, I rang Nicola she came to pick me up and we drove to the hospital. We arrived before the ambulance, When the ambulance arrived I went out to meet it Lindsey looked awful she was hooked up to oxygen etc and was quite blue looking I was shocked.

The hospital people took over they hooked her up to oxygen, Belinda told me what had happened she collapsed in the street, and had a couple of fits in  the ambulance , this was confirmed by the ambulance people, she was stabilised in the A&E and given oxygen etc we were told she was being admitted to the assesment ward ,blood samples were taken and a person came with a portable scanner and took a scan of her head..
Doctors came to speak to us and ask about Lins medical history,did she have a history of epilepsy etc was she prone to seizures we said no, the only time she had a fit was when she was a baby and it was a feberal convulsion brought on by high temperatures. They took her to the ward she was put put on oxygen to help with her breathing etc/ the doctors said they thought she had some kind of epilepsy and were keeping her in overnight for monitoring we stayed with Lins as long as possible and eventually went home for some sleep.

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