Monday, 21 March 2011

Sun 20th Mar

Lins is feeling very low today she has  been in tears,she is lethargic and says she has had enough of it all. Cant seem to shake her out off it an she just wants to sleep.  At visiting time a couple of neighbours Ruth and Charlotte pop into to see her she perks up a little and when Ruth tells her about our cats trying to get into the boot of her car all the time, she finds this quite funny she loves to talk about the cats. Richard and Belinda come for the last hour of visiting they have brought a little video recorder showing get well  messages from her friends at  the centre , it was so sweet and she really enjoyed watching it. Later when we are alone she tells me that she didn't like the staff who were on in the night, one  told her off when she had an accident with the bed pan, and someone opened her curtains at 5am and left them open even though Lins requested them shut. This explains her mood in the morning. There are some brilliant people on the ward that look after Lins but some of them seem to have had a personality bypass and I could quiet happily slap them! When I leave she is a lot calmer and is drifting into sleep hopefully tonight will be a better night .

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