Friday, 9 September 2011

Frid 9th Septmeber

I cannot believe how quickly the last 6 months have gone by.  Lindsey continues to improve and is getting stronger and more confident all the time. She has come such a long way from when she left the hospital on the 6th April, then she was totally dependant on me for everything even down to calling me in the night to help her use the loo. She has no more hospital appointments to attend has been discharged by physiotherapy dept and also by the orthopaedic clinics.  The last 6 months have been quite trying and very frustrating at some points. As far as hospitals and Doctors go its been a real eye opener,we tend to see these people as gods and believe all that they tell us but at the end of the day they are only humans doing a job and yes they do make mistakes. Had Lindsey been checked for blood clots whilst on the MAU which she should have been as its hospital policy, we might have been spared the trauma of almost losing our daughter. There are a lot of brilliant people working in the hospital Dr Low for example who saved Lindseys life but there are also a lot of incompetent  numptys who really should think of a career change . The ankle continues to give Lindsey a degree of pain Bur Mr McDermott {Brilliant Doctor} says it may always be that was because it was such a bad break, It has been decided that Lins should stay on her Warfarin for the foreseeable future as they were not able to come up with the root cause of her blood clots ,the tablets have the side effect of making her tired but small price to pay for keeping her healthy.

1 comment:

  1. I concur, these have been a very difficult 7 months. Lindsey is doing really well, but sometimes finds it difficult to see that she is doing well. I am very proud of her, and also of my mum, for doing such an amazing job of rehabilitating Lindsey, she would never have come this far without her. xx
