Monday 6 June 2011

Mon 6th Jun

Lindsey is continuing to improve daily she no longer uses her wheelchair in the house, it is used only for venturing out, this was replaced with a walking frame for a time but now she has progressed to crutches. The ankle is still giving Lins a bit of pain and she wears a small leg brace which gives her some extra support.Tiredness continues to be a problem and therefore she cannot walk very far before being worn out.
Lindsey misses her independence greatly and this sometimes leads to mood swings and tears, this is where having her big Sis around is a bonus shes always there with a hug and a smile and usually manages to bring her around.  When the weather allows we go out and about shopping lunching or picnics in the park,we have also been to visit the day center again and plan to visit the Alternatives shop soon too .