Friday, 9 September 2011

Frid 9th Septmeber

I cannot believe how quickly the last 6 months have gone by.  Lindsey continues to improve and is getting stronger and more confident all the time. She has come such a long way from when she left the hospital on the 6th April, then she was totally dependant on me for everything even down to calling me in the night to help her use the loo. She has no more hospital appointments to attend has been discharged by physiotherapy dept and also by the orthopaedic clinics.  The last 6 months have been quite trying and very frustrating at some points. As far as hospitals and Doctors go its been a real eye opener,we tend to see these people as gods and believe all that they tell us but at the end of the day they are only humans doing a job and yes they do make mistakes. Had Lindsey been checked for blood clots whilst on the MAU which she should have been as its hospital policy, we might have been spared the trauma of almost losing our daughter. There are a lot of brilliant people working in the hospital Dr Low for example who saved Lindseys life but there are also a lot of incompetent  numptys who really should think of a career change . The ankle continues to give Lindsey a degree of pain Bur Mr McDermott {Brilliant Doctor} says it may always be that was because it was such a bad break, It has been decided that Lins should stay on her Warfarin for the foreseeable future as they were not able to come up with the root cause of her blood clots ,the tablets have the side effect of making her tired but small price to pay for keeping her healthy.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Frid 1st July

Lins is continuing to make progress but it seems to have slowed down somewhat. She is now down to walking with one crutch, but tiredness continues to be an issue and she does not cover much distance, also her ankle continues to give her pain.  She has now been discharged by the physio who says it just a case of building up daily to improve on what she is already doing.  On Monday she is going to have an Echo cardiogram which is jsut routine 3 month follow up. The INR in her blood seems to be a bit eratic and she is having blood test every 5 days at the moment much to her disgust as they find it quite difficult to get her blood and often leave her with bruising.
What has happened to Lindsey has left her confused and a little bitter, she doesnt think its fair that everything happens to her and I have to agree with her its not fair, any of us would have gone through it for her if we could but thats not how life works is it. I think the whole experience has brought us closer as a family and made us appreciate each other a little bit more

Monday, 6 June 2011

Mon 6th Jun

Lindsey is continuing to improve daily she no longer uses her wheelchair in the house, it is used only for venturing out, this was replaced with a walking frame for a time but now she has progressed to crutches. The ankle is still giving Lins a bit of pain and she wears a small leg brace which gives her some extra support.Tiredness continues to be a problem and therefore she cannot walk very far before being worn out.
Lindsey misses her independence greatly and this sometimes leads to mood swings and tears, this is where having her big Sis around is a bonus shes always there with a hug and a smile and usually manages to bring her around.  When the weather allows we go out and about shopping lunching or picnics in the park,we have also been to visit the day center again and plan to visit the Alternatives shop soon too .

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Sun May 15th

Lindsey is continuing to make slow but steady progress. The hospital appointments are getting less now as well. We are down to weekly blood tests which are still being done at home and weekly visits from the Physio which are also still at home for the time being. Last Thursday she went for a Ct head scan,we wont get the results of this until we have a follow up appointment with the consultant we will be advised of this by post. Lins can now walk 2 room lengths with the aid of the walking frame, this is really excellent it does however tire her out and she needs a lot of rest in between. When the Physio comes on Tues he is going to bring a smaller less cumbersome frame for her to try as he thinks she is ready now to move on. Another big breakthrough, She  has managed to sit on the sofa this is the first time she has sat on anything other than her wheelchair or bed since she came home, it was so lovely to see her relaxed and comfortable as she gets really stiff in the wheelchair after a while. Throughout it all Lindseys sense of humour has remained, she is very funny and we laugh a lot, there are some tears but mainly laughs.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Thurs 5th May

Has been quite a good week the weather has been brilliant so we have spent a lot of time outdoors. Since last week Lins had made good progress she has actually seen a physio at last,his name is Graham and he has now been to see her 3 times.  She is now able to get herself up without support from me and has managed to take 10 steps which is a major breakthrough.  Progress is slow and she still complains about being in a lot of pain but its improving.  She has also been discharged from the district nurse so another step in the right direction. Next week we have an app for a CCT scan this will rule out completely the notion that she had suffered from some form of epilepsy, Lins doesn't want to go but I see no harm in ruling something else out of the equation.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Thurs 28th Apr

Last Thursday Lins had an appointment at the Haematology clinic,we assumed this is where we would get some answers as to why Lins had the blood clots that made her collapse. Alas this was not the case , the Doctor seemed very nice, Dr McTeirnan but like the others before her she had only skimmed Lins notes and kept asking us loads of questions she even dared to suggest that the clot might have been caused by her broken ankle, which is just ludicrous as we were told in the intensive care dept after her scan that these clots had been in her system for quite some time, we relayed this info to the doc who was oblivious, oh right,that's something I will need to look into,might have been an idea to look into before we actually got there! She had no answers as to why she had the clots there was nothing obvious showed up in her blood tests its been decided that she stay on warfarin long term since they have no idea what caused the clots.Since Lins left the ITC theres has been no continuity of care seems to be that the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing its been a long and frustrating experience for all of us. On Tuesday we were back at the orthopaedic clinic we didn't see a consultant this time as he was on holiday, we were seen by the Senior Physio, she asked how we had been getting on since she last seen us a fortnight ago, I explained that since they put on her weight bearing cast she had not seen any physio and had not been given any kind of walking aid and therefore she wasn't getting along terribly well. She seemed a little surprised by this but made no comment. She said it was now time to get the cast off for good and so we went along to have it off, afterwards the physio came back and asked Lins if she could try putting some weight on her ankle she was screaming with pain, the physio decided to get some more en  x rays done just to be sure ,she looked at the results and said that yes it was all fine and she needed to now start putting her weight on her foot it would be painful to start with but with time it would get better. Before we left they gave Lins a splint support for her ankle to make it feel a little better they also issued her with a walking frame, the instruction was to practice a little each day at home and see them again in a month,meantime she would contact the community physio team to visit Lins at home,We  have been here before so Im not holding my breath.

Thursday, 21 April 2011

wed 20th Apr

We had a real lazy start to the day today no appointments no nurses due so we had a lie in. As predicted still have heard nothing from physio dept. Had a phone call from Heather so she and the kids came for lunch it was a beautiful sunny day again so we had lunch in the garden, and then the kids played and we just sat and enjoyed the sunshine . Today we didn't focus much on the crutches since Lins had a bit of a scare yesterday when she thought she was going to fall , tomorrow is another day so will try again .

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Tues 19th April

Another early start his morning as the nurse is coming to do a blood test and of course we never know when she is going to appear. Its another sunny morning so the plan is to go out once the Nurse has been ,she finally arrived about 1.15. In between times I have made two further phone calls to try and get some commitment from the physio dept. no one was available so I left two messages. Had lunch in  the garden again and afterwards got ready to go to shops, getting Lins into the car is do-able but not easy on your own. First I have to take off the leg bits then position the chair correctly for her to make transition from chair to car,then I have to fold the chair and get it into boot, then at other side I have to do it all in reverse. We managed eventually and had a pleasant little trip around Park Farm centre. Whilst we were out I received a return phone call from the OT, I said since we last spoke I had hear nothing, she said oh yes she is now top of the list (didnt know there was a list) and the physio will see her Thurs afternoon if this was ok, Well as it turns out its not ok as she has a hospital appointment again on Thurs afternoon. I'm not impressed so far, and as its bank holiday weekend coming up I cannot foresee them fitting her in until after that and by then she will have been back to orthopedic dept to get her cast removed so that's 2 whole weeks with no input at all from the physio dept!!!

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Mon 18th Apr

Early start this morning as we were expecting the nurse. She arrived at 9.20am ,she is pleased with how things are going and doesnt think she will need to come much longer. Had to ring the blood clinic as we never got the results of Lins last blood test, they said it had been sent and advised that she needs another blood test done tommorow. Also phoned the Physio dept since nobody has been back in touch since last Wednesday. Was told I needed to talk to Mr MrcDermotts secretary which I duly did she said she would speak to the Physio in the afternoon and still nothing, will call again tomorrow to chase up.  After Lunch Charlotte came to visit ,it was a pleasant aternoon so we took Lins for a walk definetly easier with two but we still had a couple of hairy moments. When we came back we sat in the garden and had a well earned drink.  Continuing to encourge Lins with the crutches but its still a struggle for her x

Monday, 18 April 2011

Sun 17th Apr

Today was a good day we had a bit of a lie in and didn't getup till around 1030. Lins has been persevering with the crutches and although not an expert yet she can take some steps using them.  We managed to get her into the car today and went to Belper for a potter about and also to have lunch. The last time we were in Belper was the weekend before Lins collapsed. Its a beautiful sunny day and when we got back home Scott had arrived this is the first time he has seen Lindsey outside of the hospital he is amazed at how well she is looking and coping, we spent the rest of the afternoon in the garden

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Sat 16th Apr

Nice sunny day today, So Lins is sitting in her wheelchair in the garden whilst I chop down some trees. Lins had a go with the crutches again ,she managed to do a few little steps but she doesn't like them and doesn't feel safe using  them. We will try with them again tomorrow, and maybe try and get her into the car so we can go out for a change of scenery.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Frid 15th April

Its now exactly 8 weeks since Lins collapsed, that was the worst weekend of our lives and on that Sunday I truly though we had lost her.  But she is here and she has made brilliant progress ,the only thing holding her back now is her ankle. She is allowed to put weight on it now but it isn't coming easy to her at all. Still no input from the physio and of course there will be none now until at least Mon. We had a fairly quiet day today I didn't take her out in her Wheelchair today ,I have pain running right up with left arm and just don't have the strength to push her around.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Thurs 14th Mar

This Morning when I went to see Lins she had had a massive nosebleed in the night,and she had slept through it. Her bed was a mess it was everywhere. The Nurse showed up early today and caught us on the hop had only just finished getting Lindsey dressed! Today she took a photo of the area that they have been dressing again it looks clean and dry so shouldn't need to be treated for too much longer. After lunch we decided to go for a walk this is the first time I had taken her out since hospital.  OMG it was hard work the pavements around her are full of lumps and bumps and not conducive to pushing  wheelchairs, we made it as far as the shops at Blenheim Parade, the shops are not suitable for  a wheelchair either so I had to leave Lins parked on the pavement whilst I nipped inside. By the time we made it back home I was completely Knackered and had to have a cat nap. Had expected to have a visit from a physio today but no one appeared. Lindsey needs some kind of walking aid to make any progress, I tried her with a set of crutches that I found in the shed but she cannot get to grips with them at all.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

wed 13th April

Lins was very tired this morning she didnt want to get up at all. I left her till around  10.30am. We tried some steps this morning but it was very difficult it was like her feet were rooted to the floor,for her its like learning to walk all over again.  We had some visitors just before Lunch time, Jo and Emma popped in to see her for a bit. Later in afternoon we tried some more steps ,its really difficult and makes her very tired,she has lost all her confidence and its going to be a slow process getting back to her old self. Had phone call form the OT she is going to arrange for Lins to have some physio from home for the time being till she is a little bit more stable.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Tues 12th Apr

So today we are back at the hospital ,this time its orthopaedics.  We are using hospital transport again today the appointment is 2.40pm and they have told us to be ready at 12.30pm!!!  At .145 it turned up and off we go,there is a 2 man crew on today and they think they are a right comedy duo, however it makes the journey pass quickly. We were seen fairly promptly and went straight through to have the old caste removed,from there we went to x-ray,it all looks to be healing up nicely,next we see a senior physio she asks Lins how her ankle is feeling and how much she can move it,she says painful and very little, then we see Mr MrDermott he is really pleased with her ankle and decides to put enother caste on but this type it will be a weight bearing one,she is to take it easy and do little by little and build up her strength and confidence.  For the new caste she chose bright neon pink again (no surprise there).  Before we can leave to go home she has to see the physio with a walking frame, the big moment has come the first time in nearly 8 weeks she has stood up,she is very wobbly and quite scared ,she is s bit like Bambi on ice!.  With a lot of support and patience she manages to take 8steps this is an amazing step forward for her. By the time we get home its 5pm and we are both quite tired,bit of dinner telly and then early bed I think.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Mon 11th Apr

So today we went for Lindseys appointment at the Medical outpatients , it was largely a waste of time and we should not have been there. The referral had been made by the Medical Assessment Unit when they were bumbling around trying to diagnose what the problem was , it was part of the discharge procedure but of course she never was discharged and the paperwork went out anyhow. After the appointment we went to the blood clinic to have her sample taken,again it was not easy as the nurse was having trouble finding a vein she could use,eventually she gave up and went off to get someone else and she managed to do it straight away. After lunch the District Nurse came round to change Lindseys dressing and later on  Natalie from Alternatives popped in for coffee and later the lady next door dropped by with magazines for her,  Lins loves having visitors.

Sun 10th Apr

Today is another lovely day , Lins had a long lie in this morning and didn't surface till 10.30 am.We have to clear the loft out today as we are having new loft insulation put in on Friday. It turns out  to be quite a big job we have so much junk up there and by the time we are finished I look like Ive been up a chimney. After lunch I felt a little unwell so David took Lins out in her chair while I went for a sleep. Later in the afternoon I felt a little better and decided Lins needed her hair washing so I improvised and washed it in the garden using a bowl and a cup it went quite well ,by the end her back was soaked and my feet were squelching but job done, and once dried and straightened it looked really good. While David and Lins were out for their walk they bought some shopping for tonight's dinner ,Fish and Chips is what they chose to have, not exactly my ideal Sunday Dinner but that's what they fancied and since David is cooking I'm not going to complain. Lins tried fish and chips whilst in hospital but it was horrible and the chips were odd looking soggy little things did not resemble a chip in the least. Tomorrow we have an appointment at Neurology dept so will be an early start for us.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Sat 9th Apr

Today my arm muscles are aching,maneuvering Lindsey in her wheelchair around our house is not easy, lots of tight bends to master. This is where an open plan bungalow would be very useful!  She slept right through last night ,in  fact she was reluctant to get up for breakfast,so cup of tea in bed whilst she rallied herself. Later in the morning once we are organised, Nic and Ewan take Lins out for a walk in her wheelchair its such a beautiful day out there . The pavements of Allestree prove a bit of a challenge for them, what looks like a long flat road whilst driving really isn't that flat at all. they find it exhausting and when they come back we have lunch in the garden.  The telescopic ramps they have given us are useful but they are cumbersome and our doors wont shut with them in place so we have to keep moving them in and out. Its such a beautiful day that we spend the rest of the day in the garden chatting and enjoying the sunshine ,followed by dinner some TV and then bed, boy am I ready for it!!

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Frid 8th April

Its day 3 at home and so far its gone well,was only up once in the night with Lins. Its a beautiful sunny morning out there. Got a phone call from an Occupational Therapist the hospital had asked her to do a follow up visit at home,she came at 11.45. She asked about things in general  and then wanted to see Lins doing transfers from chair to bed etc,it was hard work for Lins but she managed it all, and the OC seemed happy enough she has scheduled her next visit for next week after the follow up app at Orthopaedics.  We have our lunch outside in the garden it is surprisingly hot for the time of year.  At about 2pm the District Nurse arrived to change Lindseys dressing so I wheeled her indoors, the Nurse is pleased with the wound and says she wont come again until Mon afternoon. Poor Lins is now worn out and wants to have a rest so she goes to bed for a lie down.  I wake her about 4pm and then we have visitors,she is not quite herself and by tea time her mood has deteriorated and she is very weepy and emotional she doesn't  know why.I make her Chicken Korma for tea this used to be her favourite but she only managed a few mouthfuls. The combination of hard work and sunshine has left her worn out so its off to bed to watch a DVD

Friday, 8 April 2011

Thurs 7th April

What a special day this is ,Its Lindseys birthday and she is spending it at home and not in some stuffy old hospital .The District Nurse called in to see us just after 9am, she had come to change her dressing,she seemed very nice,she is coming back to morrow but unfortunately cannot specify a time. Lins had a steady flow of visitors throughout the day all bearing gifts and cards. We had a buffet with champagne and birthday cake and it was really lovely that so many people popped round to share her birthday,the cats did not appreciate the invasion of their territory!!Her presents included a Netbook,some photo frames, clothes, jewellery ,DVDs and lots of chocolates. It has been a long day and by 8pm she is feeling a bit overwhelmed,time for a nice cup of tea and then to bed .

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Wed 6th April

Arrived early today ,bumped into the Nurse/Practioner "Khalid" he says he will be along shortly to examine Lindsey. Shortly turned into 1 hour and 45 mins. Lins is starting to fret,"why isn't he here yet,I'm never going to get out of her you know"!.  When he does come its all good news,he checks Lins over and is happy to let her go home. He does however emphasise that we have to be very vigilant should she get a temperature or infection. The charge Nurse says she will organise her discharge for later in the afternoon,they cannot specify a time.  I dont care how long it takes Im  just ecstatic that we are getting her home. After lunch we go to the day room and watch a DVD to pass the time, "Brigitte Jones the Edge of Reason". A secretary pops in to say transport has been organised but wont be till around 4pm we are just watching film when at 1.45  the ambulance transport has arrived ! The nurse has yet to change the dressing that was to be changed  at 12pm, so they have to do it rather quickly before the ambulance people decide they have waited long enough,another example of the inefficiency and lack of  continuity on this ward..Once Lindsey has gone with the Ambulance people I collect her medicine etc and then go home to wait for her. Today is just the best day its been 7 long weeks but at last we have Lindsey home where she belongs .

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Tues 5th Mar

Today when I arrived Lins is siting in her chair, the room is very quiet no one wanted the TV on. I asked if she had seen the doctor or the physio and neither had been yet. By lunchtime still no one has been to see her so after lunch we go off into town. It started to rain on the way and we dithered about whether to turn back or not but the place is so depressing we carried on into town. We were looking for curtains for her bedroom but we didn't find any, we had a coffee in BHS before making our way back to the hospital,we arrived back at 230ish.  By 3.20 when I had to leave the elusive doctor still had not appeared. David arrived at the hospital at 4.45 he spoke to the ward sister,she said that there were some concerns about Lindseys temperature it was high and there might be a chance that she has a viral infection,they would take blood and urine samples and a swab from a wound that Lins has. This may prevent her coming home ,if it does she will be devastated and so will I. I find it extremely frustrating that I am there constantly and no one has ever expressed any concern about this before, and now at the 11th hour when she is due to be discharged they swing into action. David also spoke to the Nurse/Practitioner who said he needed me to be present when he examined Lindsey (I had been there for most of the day),apparently she has been labelled as not liking males looking after her..She does not have a problem with male doctors at all, in fact most of the doctors that have looked after her have been male.What she does have a problem with are young male HCA assisting her to use a bed pan,,and I agree its undignified enough for a young woman to have to go through that, without having a young male there. The hospital has huge posters all over the place promoting "single sex wards" and "dignity for all" apparently this doesn't count when you need the toilet!!

Monday, 4 April 2011

Mon 4th April

Today when I arrived Lins had been showered and was sitting in her chair, I took the GHDs to straighten her hair. Its a very cold windy day so no plans to go out today. The OT(Occupational Therapist) came to have a word she adjusted the foot plate on the wheelchair as it had slipped down quite a bit,she said she would come back in a bit to do some slide transfers with Lins,as she has not seen her do them since last week. After this she came out to the house to assess what we would need to make it easier for Lindseys to be at home. Fortunately the house is suitable and she has her bedroom downstairs there are just a couple of minor things to sort out, like a ramp for easier access when using the wheelchair,also her bed needs to be just 3 inches higher,and a banana board and also a commode . This should  all do-able by Wednesday. Tomorrow she is to have a check up with the doctor and all being well she should be discharged on Wed afternoon.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Sat 3rd Apr

Today is Mothers Day and what a fantastic present I had .Nicola went up to the hospital and she ordered a taxi with wheelchair access and she brought Lindsey home ,it was very emotional it was the first time in 6 weeks she has been home, She loves her new bedroom decor, and is delighted to see her cats again. When David got back from golf his face was a picture, we hadn't told him about our surprise visitor!!. I made a roast chicken dinner and we sat down as a family it was brilliant and Linsdey really enjoyed her food for the 1st time in a long time. Afterwards we put on  a DVD it was just like old times. At 6pm we went back to the hospital. I was a bit worried that Lins would be upset at having to go back but she was fine.  She was getting a bit uncomfortable in her chair by now and we helped her get onto the bed .. The ward was very quiet everyone apart from dear old Winifred had gone out for the day. Heather brought Alistair along at visiting time Lins was pleased to see him its been quite a while since she last saw him. .

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Sat 2nd Apr

Nicola was 1st to visit Lindsey today, she was taking her shopping for Mothers Day,when she arrived at hospital it was lunch time,when lunch was over Lins needed to use the toilet before going out, she called for the HCA,she came along with the hoist. Nic explained that she no longer used this,the HCA declared that there  was no way they could use the transfer board for her. Nick was very angry with their attitude and told them to read the notes on the board above her bed there was full instruction on what to do. Eventually because of their ineptitude it took another hour and a half before they were ready to go into town. Charlotte and Holly joined them in town and they were out for a good few hours, they got back on the ward in time for dinner.  As I arrived at hospital in the evening I was met by Nic and Lins they were going out for another walk as Lins has been very upset and weepy and really doesn't want to be in there. We go for a walk but by now its really quite cold and we head back to the ward Lin is lethargic again and nothing we say will bring out her smile . Nic and Ewan leave and David arrives still she is unhappy , the fresh air has left her very tired hopefully she will sleep well tonight..

Frid Apr 1st

Its now 6 weeks since Lins collapsed,hopefully the end of her hospital stay is in sight. The aim is to get her home before her birthday which is on Thursday 7th April.  The OT and Physios seen her again today, trying to build up her stamina and improve her muscle strength this will help a lot with her mobility. She is now quite comfortable using the slide board to transfer and each time it gets easier. Today we went into town for lunch and we met with my friend Annette, it was very nice to see a different face for a change. Afterwards we have a potter about the shops and go back to the ward around 2.30.  Lins is now feeling tired a bit lethargic again she really doesn't like spending time on the ward it brings her mood right down..David comes to the hospital at 630 and then Nic and I take over for the final hour and get her settled for the night.

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Ewan's view point on Lindsey's journey I'm only eleven and Lindsey's nephew

I have not been there all the time for Lindsey.This was been because it was upsetting to see her.She had tubes in her mouth and nose witch upset me.I have been going to the hospital since she was half through her time in intensive care but I have by her side since the start of all of it.She is my best friend I would be looked after by her most days and I would help her whenever she wanted.She is the best person in the world to me and probably everyone who has met her in her life.She was in Renal for approx three weeks.The first time I saw her she was settled in to the H.D.U. part of Renal.After about one week she moved to her own room the first time I saw her in her own room she was awake and wanting to leave.She was then moved to the London Road Community Hospital who have managed to get on my nerves by saying that I was virus ridden thats like saying I'm a dirt bag so I would not be aloud to leave the family room.She has been there in a ward with three chatty old women all over seventy years old.I have felt like there was something was missing from a part of my life since Lindsey's hospital life has started.There has been a change in how I see the world since this started.Lindsey has been there for me and now I'm there for here her.

Thurs 31st Mar

Today when i arrived at the ward I bumped into the Physio, she told me that Lins had use the board to transfer from her bed onto her chair and managed really well, she said she would be back along shortly to try her transferring from chair to commode. She never arrived at 1245 Lins wanted to go to the toilet so the HCA went to find the physio to show her how to do the transfer as they are not allowed to do it without one being present. They could not find her anywhere so they had to use the hoist again, Lins was really disappointed with this as she was looking forward to not using the hoist anymore. The physio never came back to see Lins for the rest of the day , they seem to be full of good intentions that never come to fruition it is very frustrating. Jo and Natalie came into see Lins in the afternoon she was very pleased to see them both, Once they had gone we went down to the coffee shop to meet Michelle,we were later joined by David Nicola and Ewan. Lindsey is quite fed up with being in hospital she really wants to come home,she is a bit down so we take her into town for a change of scenery.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Wed 30th Mar

Today The physios came to see Lindsey , they brought a Banana Board with them ,its used to help people to transfer from bed to chair etc. For her 1st attempt Lins did very well,they will do some more tomorrow another step closer to coming home.  The weather was a bit dismal today so we did not venture out we went for a wander round the hospital instead . Later in the afternoon David popped in on his way back from London and Brian and Charlotte also dropped by. Lins did not enjoy her dinner and asked me to bring something from home I made her Pasta with Tuna and Sweetcorn and sund dried tomatoes,she really enjoyed it and managed more than half. Lins did her excersises this evening without any coaxing ,its definetly getting easier for her .Nic arrived at 745pm so I took the opportunity to leave a bit earlier I find the place depressing but of course I dont let Lins see this .

Tues 29th Mar

This Morning Lindsey had a massive nosebleed took ages to stop. Lins hasn't eaten anything to do due to being sick yesterday.Today is her follow up appointment at Orthopaedic Outpatients and while we were sitting waiting for transport Maureen And Anne arrived to visit her,such as shame as they were only there a matter of minutes when the ambulance showed up. At the app her old plaster removed and she went for xray the wounds on her ankle are minimal you can hardly see them they have healed really well,internally everything is going in the right direction too, however Mr McDermott is still not happy for Lins to put any weight on her ankle so another bright pink plaster was applied,we have to go back again in 2 weeks time.its 5pm when we get back tot he ward Lindsey is really tired now and gets into bed. There was a note from Natalie on her table, she too had been to visit while we were at the outpatients . One of the ladies on the ward has her birthday today she is 92 they have a cake for her and all sing to her

Monday, 28 March 2011

Mon 28th Mar

Today when I got to the hospital Lins told me she had been sick after breakfast .  A doctor came to check out some skin irritations that she had and recommended  some cream to stop her scratching. By now it was lunchtime and Lins did not want the hospital food so we headed off into town. We went to Debenhams and we had  Jacket potatoes,she didn't have much of an appetite and only managed half of it. Afterwards we pottered around the shops and she bought a new top from Next. By the time we get back to hospital she is feeling quite uncomfortable in her wheelchair and asks to be put back on the bed,a nurse comes around and wants to change a dressing that she has,its time for me to leave anyhow.  Shortly after I left she was sick again ,think she may have some sort of tummy bug, she is not to eat for the rest of the day. At evening visiting David is there first ,he says that a Doc is on his way to look at her, by the time Nic and I leave at 845 still no Doc has been round. Hopefully by tomorrow she will feel a lot better

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Sun 27th Mar

 Today has been a funny old day for Lins. The rash that was causing concern yesterday has gone, her mood today is quite lethargic , Lunch came and she hardly touched it,she is not enjoying the food at all, fortunately when Charlotte and Heather came to visit they brought her some treats.   She told Nic that she wants to come home, this is what we all want.  Lindsey had a  new visitor today her Uncle Ronnie its been a long time since she last seen him so a nice surprise again. . During the day she has had the trots and a nosebleed, so all in all not a good day.

Sat 26 Mar

Today Nicola does the early shift at the hospital when she gets there Lins is in the dayroom doing a quiz, the subject  is "Coronation Street and she comes in 2nd place. After lunch which was a dried up ham sandwich Nic takes Lins out in her chair they end up in town and go  for a drink in M&S cafe. Lindsey has had her shower at last and when I visit in the afternoon I take the hair straighteners up and do her hair I also trim her fringe which by now is getting in her eyes , she looks lovely.  In the evening she has the long awaited visit from Charlotte & Brian who have been out of the country for 3 months she is delighted to see them.. Whilst she is lying on the bed I encourage her to do some exercises raising each leg 10 times she thinks I'm a bully this  but its important and each day she can lift them higher and hold for longer.  We notice that she has developed a rash big red blotches seem to be appearing on he upper body we mention this to the nurse before we leave for the night.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Frid 25th Mar

Today is a more positive day ,when I arrive on the ward there is a new TV with freeview and  Lins is taking part in a group physio session doing gentle exercise to keep the limbs moving. I met the Occupational Therapist who has been to adjust the leg rest on the wheelchair that we use. She seems nice and is as keen as I am to get Lins home as soon as possible, however she will not be seeing us again until after Lins follow up Orthopaedic app on tues, thats another 3 days of sitting around with no significant input in trying to get her mobile . After lunch Lins goes to take part in a craft group designing a wedding dress for Kate Middleton! she is not really interested so we get ready to go into town for a walk, on the way we bump into Natalie who has some free time before an appointment in the hospital,a nice surprise for Lins. We then walk to the Westfield centre and Lins says it feels weird being in town in her wheelchair, and its a bit tricky manoeuvring around some of the aisles. In the evening She has Belinda and Richard to visit and they update her with whats been happening at the centre. At 8pm Nic and myself help Lins get ready for bed and get her settled before we leave for the night.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Thurs 24th Mar

I arrive at Lindseys new hotel! to find her sitting up in her chair and fully dressed this is the first time in a month that she has worn her own clothes. The previous evening the HCA promised Lins that first thing in the morning she would give her a shower and wash her hair, so I was a bit surprised to see that her hair was still unwashed, the explanation she was given was that they could not find anything to cover her cast to protect it from the water!! This is a hospital FFS surely these things are standard pieces of kit. A doctor came along in the morning to review Lins he seemed quite disinterested I asked when she would see a physio, His response surprised  me to say the least "well yes the physio will come along and do her own assessment of Lindsey but to be honest  while she is in her cast and immobile I'm not sure what they can do". I bite my tongue at this point ,its the first day I do not want to appear negative .
 Lunch time came and passed and still no physio has arrived ,I asked the nurse on shift and he said she would be seen in the afternoon. By 2pm she still hasn't seen anyone and as its such a nice I ask to have her put in the wheelchair so we can go out for some air. I leave my mobile number and off we go we went for a wander round the grounds,the sun is shining its a lovely day but here are no seats to sit on apart from the ones in the smokers shelter.We go for a cup of tea in the cafe and afterwards go for a wander outside the hospital, by the time I take Lins back she is quite tired,she asks to get on her bed as she is getting uncomfortable in the chair now. I leave to do some shopping for Lins and when Nic and I arrive back in the evening she has had her dinner and is sitting up on the bed, there is another lady in the room now.  David arrived with Ewan at around 645 and was promptly told by the ward sister that children were not allowed on the ward,this wasn't a problem last night it seems to depend who is on shift at the time. The explanation for this was that there have been a lot of viruses going around and it really was for his protection as much as the patients . This is where it gets slightly ridiculous, he is not allowed on the ward but he is allowed to go in the day room which is just across the corridor. So he can stand and wave and talk to her form across the corridor he just cannot sit buy her bedside!!!!! It would seem that  viruses cannot travel across the corridor to the day room. Heather arrived a bit later with Holly and she wandered straight on to the ward her and no one challenged her.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Wed 23rd Mar

Today I was slightly later arriving at the hospital as I had to wait for Lindseys wheelchair to arrive. I got there just in time for lunch and she was still in bed. I was a bit surprised at this as yesterday she was told that she would be going for a physio  session in the gym this morning.  When lunch was finished the NCA's  came to get her up, I requested that they put her straight into the wheelchair so we could go out for a walk. I left my number and said that if they came to take her for physio I would bring her straight back, no one called. At 2.30 I took Lins back to her room she had 2 visitors waiting for her Natalie and Val which was a lovely surprise as Lindsey hasn't seen Val in a while. At 3.20 Lins was tired and wanted to go back to bed once she was settled I had to leaver her to come home for Ewan. At 4.30 I got a call from the ward, Lindsey was being transferred to the Grove ward 4, in the next 10 mins!!!!!!!!! to say I was gobsmacked was an understatement, I was at that hospital for over 3 hours and no one came and discussed this with me, this didn't suddenly happen in an hour someone knew that she was being transferred today and as Lindsey is a young woman with learning difficulties  I as her mother should have been  kept abreast of developments and involved in the transfer. Just the day before the Head Physio and the ward Sister assured me that no move would take place without me being informed first. I am appalled at the way my daughter has been treated on this ward and in some respects I am happy that she is out of there. At 630 Ewan and I go to visit Lindsey at the Grove she is on a 4 bed ward totally on her own, there is a TV at the far side of the room but this does not work . First impressions are not good ,I feel that this is not a good environment for Lins but we were left with no other choice.Its early days so time will tell.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Tues 22nd Mar

Today  David had an appointment at the hospital for a check up on his thumb and we arrived earlier than usual, Lindsey was already up and in her chair ,and it was a beautiful sunny morning, I asked the care assistant if it was possible to put Lindsey straight into her wheelchair so we could take advantage of the sunshine, they agreed and so off we went into the beautiful sunshine we went for a wander then had a seat in the sun it was really pleasant Scott arrived at the hosp at around 1130 he joined us and we had some drinks and and crisps and just chatted and enjoyed the morning,David joined us when he had finished at the clinic. At 12pm we head back to the room Lindsey's ankle is hurting now and she is tired.  It was lasagna for lunch and if I do say so myself was not a patch on what she has at home. At 3pm the physios came to take her for her session in the gym , at this point I have to leave to collect my car from the garage,  When I go back in the evening Lins tells me that she has been doing some work with a ball and Scott said that they physio was very impressed with what she had managed to do today, we watch some TV together and by now she is very sleepy its after 8pm and time to leave  for the night .

Mon 21st Mar

This morning when I arrive Lins is still in bed drinking her tea she seems a lot happier than yesterday.  The physios have told the care assistants that they would like to them to use the standing hoist to get Lins into her chair today this is the piece of equipment that they used with her on thurs.. It doesn't go that well they manage in the end but with a lot of screaming from Lins. Scott has arrived at the hosp its been 2wks since he last seen her, he comments on how well she is looking, last time he was there she was on a drip and had lines in her neck and hands now she is completely free. After lunch we ask if we can have a chair to take Lins out of the ward, this however didn't happen as the physios came back for a session, they tried Lins with the standing hoist but with no great success ,they then tried another piece of stationary equipment but this wasn't successful either, Her body is just not strong enough yet and they decide that for now she has to go back to using the general hoist so that there is no pressure being put on the broken ankle, Lins is happy about this. Before we left, the ward sister came to discuss what we wanted for  when she leaves we decided that to bring her home with the full care package and equipment was going to be best,she went off to put this in motion and Lindsey herself said that she didn't feel that she should come home just yet and was happy to go to the rehab ward at the grove.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Sun 20th Mar

Lins is feeling very low today she has  been in tears,she is lethargic and says she has had enough of it all. Cant seem to shake her out off it an she just wants to sleep.  At visiting time a couple of neighbours Ruth and Charlotte pop into to see her she perks up a little and when Ruth tells her about our cats trying to get into the boot of her car all the time, she finds this quite funny she loves to talk about the cats. Richard and Belinda come for the last hour of visiting they have brought a little video recorder showing get well  messages from her friends at  the centre , it was so sweet and she really enjoyed watching it. Later when we are alone she tells me that she didn't like the staff who were on in the night, one  told her off when she had an accident with the bed pan, and someone opened her curtains at 5am and left them open even though Lins requested them shut. This explains her mood in the morning. There are some brilliant people on the ward that look after Lins but some of them seem to have had a personality bypass and I could quiet happily slap them! When I leave she is a lot calmer and is drifting into sleep hopefully tonight will be a better night .

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Sat 19th Mar

Not much change with Lins today. When I get there she is sitting up in her chair, Nic has done her hair and Heather has been in to see her and painted her nails bright pink and also brought bright pink bobbles to match her plaster cast. She didn't eat her lunch which was Irish stew so she had a prawn sandwich from the shop instead. Its such a lovely sunny day out there so we ask if its possible to lift Lins into a wheelchair so she can go outside.  This is a major task but the care assistants are so helpful and 10 mins later she is in the wheelchair and off we, go her first hint of fresh air for a month, she really enjoyed it. We  gave her a tour of the hospital and went up to the restaurant for a drink ,its on the 5th floor so you get a really good view.We sat Lins by the window so she could see all the coming  and going she liked this a lot and even seen the helicopter  going out on a rescue, by the time we took her back to the ward is was dinner time and she was quite tired and wanted to get back into bed.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Frid 18th Mar will

It is now 1 month exactly since Lindsey was admitted to hospital.  Today I expected to have a meeting with The occupational and Physio therapists, It did not happen this is what I find so frustrating about hospitals they say one thing and then do another.  Lins was quite happy today , however they did not get out  out of bed. I asked a care assistant at lunchtime she said oh yes we must get her on her chair after lunch, this didn't happen either. Natalie and Miriam from Alternatives came to visit today , its nice for Lins to see new faces I'm sure she gets bored looking at my ugly mug,. There still has been no decision about the best placement for Lins when she leaves the renal ward.  We have discussed the possibility of her going on the orthopaedic ward so I guess we we will have to wait till Monday and see what they come up with.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Thurs 17 Mar

Today when I arrived at Hosp Lins was sitting  up in her chair she had been fed but was still waiting  for her bed to be changed and also to be washed. I have nothing but admiration for the NCA'S they are totally overworked. Lin told me that the physio people had been round and instead of using the hoist to get her out of bed the used a twisting platform she found this very difficult but it is another little step in the right direction.  in the afternoon a discharge nurse came to talk about the options available to Lins  when she leaves the ward. No 1 is to go to a place called the grove  which is mainly used to rehabilitate elderly people. They don't think this is particularly suitable for someone as young as Lins. There seems to be a huge hole in the rehab programme surely Lins is not the first 28 year old to have come through such trauma and still be too weak to do the most basic of tasks her herself,. I have asked if it is possible to let us have some equipment at home that will allow us to enable Lins to be in a familiar environment and also have the help that she needs. We are to have a meeting tomorrow with occupational and physio therapists to discuss the best way forward for Lindsey

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

wed 16th Mar

Arrived at hosp at 11.00am Lindsey is still in bed she has had breakfast but has not yet been washed or changed,this is most unusual normally she is sitting up in chair by now. About 20 mins later 2 NCA.s turn up to get her washed I retreat to the waiting room,about 40 mins later I go back to her room and she has had her 1st proper shower since she has been in hospital she looks all refreshed she really enjoyed it. Lunch arrives at 12.10 its shepherds pie and she makes a good attempt at eating it. Her appetite is still not there so I coax her to eat as much as she can.  David popped in for a quick visit at 1.15,by 3pm she is tired and wants to get back into bed ,I leave her to have some sleep once she is settled. David Ewan and myself go back to hospital at 6.20 Belinda and Rich are there and are showing Lindsey the new digital camera they have bought ,they take some pics of her to show the people at the centre how well she is looking.They leave about 7ish and later Heather Phil Holly and Alex pop in for the last 20 mins the little room is quite crowded, so after a bit David and Ewan head home,Nicola shows up for the last 10 mins of visiting hour making her total visitors for the day 10, popular little lady.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Tues 15th Mar

Arrived at hosp at 1120 Lindsey is sitting in her chair. I have brought some fruit  and offered her an apple she really seemed to enjoy eating it which is nice as she still has no interest in food. She is looking really well has some colour in her cheeks and looks just like her old self which is lovely. Lunch arrives and I'm so proud of her as she is trying it eat it all by herself, its a struggle but she perseveres. At around  130 they come to take her to orthopaedics to have her cast redone. I sit in her room and do some crossword puzzles, Mitch arrives to visit and she is still not back , when Lins eventually arrives back there is a big surprise her cast has been redone and now it is bright pink! I have to leave early today to be there for Ewan but Mitch stays and keeps her company so I don't feel so bad about leaving.. David has come straight from work to spend some time with Lins and Nic Ewan and I arrive just after 6. Lins has said that  she did  not eat her dinner as it was horrible. I go and buy her some Tuna sandwiches and a strawberry yogurt.  At around 715 Heather and Holly arrive its all a bit noisy and a little bit crazy just like being at home .

Monday, 14 March 2011

Mon 14th Mar

Today when I arrived at the ward Lindsey was sitting up in her chair the physio had been round and given her some gentle exercises. Mr McDermott came to see  us he discussed the reason for removing the cast from her ankle and doing a new one, he wants to check that the wounds are healing nicely and that there  is no sign of infection , he stresses that he still doesn't want her to put any  weight on her ankle for the next 6 weeks and  he plans to do this tomorrow afternoon. Today  I also met Mr Selby, he said that medically everything was now fine her kidneys are repaired and functioning and now we just have to concentrate on the physical stuff which of course is hampered by the ankle. Before discharging Lindsey from his ward he wants a chest scan just to make sure everything is as it should be, then she can be transferred to a rehab ward to concentrate on physio and getting stronger. Lindsey is still very sleepy and goes back onto the bed after lunch.

Sun13th Mar

Not much change today Lindsey is still largely immobile although has started to use her hands more and is trying to feed herself but she finds it very difficult and she still has no real appetite. The ward seemed to be very short staffed today and every time she pressed her buzzer for help she had to wait at least 15 min.. Lins is now off of the Heparin infusion and is taking Warfarin .  She has however been given an intravenous  infusion of    Potassium  which is important in the regulation of acid base levels, blood pressure,and building muscle tissue, People who have been in intensive care for a long period lose muscle tissue and can be chronically fatigued for a long time.Today's visitors were Nic David Ewan Belinda Richard Heather and Holly and of course me.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Saturday 12th March

Ewan Nic and I arrived at hospital at around 1120, Nic popped off to the assessment ward to visit a friend who has been admitted over the weekend. Lins is sitting in her chair when Ewan, and I arrive she has been sitting up since 9am.  A care assistant pops along Lindsey has rung her buzzer she needs to go to the loo and no longer has the catheter fitted.  You really do leave your dignity at the door when you go into hospital, as she is still immobile and has her ankle in a cast they use a hoist to help her onto a bed pan!!!  The nurse comes round with the painkillers and also a liquid potassium thing that she must drink ,it must taste awful her face is a picture when she drinks it. She has been sitting in her chair for 4 hours now and she is feeling tired and uncomfortable so she buzzes for the Nurses to put her back in bed. As soon as she is settled she falls into a deep sleep she looks so comfortable its the most untroubled sleep that she has had the whole time she has been here.David pops in on his way to football he sits with Lins while we grab some lunch. Later in the afternoon Heather  visits and she sneaks  Holly and Alex in they have been to the hospital loads while Lins has been her but this is the first time they have been in to see her she enjoyed seeing them and Heather put on an impromptu show with the furry animals you can act silly when you have your own little room .

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Frid 11th Mar

While driving to the hosp we get a phone call from one of the nurses from 407 the doctor has asked her to call and discuss arrangements for Lins to be discharged, I'm gobsmacked she is still immobile receiving oxygen potassium heparin infusions and still weeing into a catheter!!!!  We tell her we are on our way and can discuss all this with the Doctor when we arrive.  When we get to the ward we are told that the Docs are doing their morning rounds and will talk to us as soon as they are free.  We go see Lins she seems well and happy we spend  a while chatting with her the physio pops by and says she wants to get her up and in her chair before lunch. One of the nurses tells us she wants to wash Lindseys hair this is great news as it really needs it, we go to waiting room to wait for the Doc, after about 30 mins the nurse says we can go back to ward, Lins is sitting up in her chair with newly washed hair she looks amazing so nice to see her looking like her old self, by now its gone 12 still no Doc David has to go back to work . The nurse assures me the Doc will come and talk to me when he is free The student nurse comes to fill in some paperwork for Lins discharge she seems to think she is going home tomorrow. I would be over the moon to take Lins home tomorrow as it is now 3 weeks since she came into hospital, however there is the huge problem of her being immobile, I tell the nurse again that Lins is not her old self ,she is normally active and independent she looks surprised, she asks about what help we will need for Lins to come home I ask about her being placed on a rehab ward until she is strong enough to move on her own she says she will discuss this with the doctor. Lunch arrives well I use the term loosely it is supposed to be risotto which Lins and I both enjoy,it is dried up rice looks most un appetising and I feel cruel for trying to make her eat it, desert is sponge cake and custard and the cake is brick hard,it really is true what they say about hospital food!!! At around 150 still no Doctors have appeared and the nurses come to put Lins back in bed as they are moving her to her own side room, I go off and have a cup of tea.  Lins now has her own room and a tv at last so she can have something to do when we are not around.Lindsey has some more visitors this afternoon they are from Alternatives Maureen and Natalie, I take the opportunity to go home and have a break still no Doctor has attempted to speak to me!!!! Nicola visits at 4pm Lindsey is now exhausted and sleeping.  In the interim David has managed to speak to the elusive Dr Selby on the phone, I find it amazing that he is the consultant assigned to my daughter she has been in his care for 8 days I have spent all day everyday at the hospital and not once has he had the courtesy to come and make himself known or offer any kind of updates this has all been left to the nurses.  He says that the kidney has repaired itself and only needs potassium level topping up, her heparin and warfarin are being monitored and the clots should be under control, he has no idea why she has been referred to a neurologist, he says that Lins is having her cast on ankle replaced on Monday with one that should let her put some weight on it which will help with getting her mobile.

Thurs 10th Mar

Lindsey is looking well still has not much movement in hands and arms and no upper body mobility, physio has been again and still has not managed to get Lins out of bed. She is eating a little but not much of hosp food and so she is still on the protein shakes and mousses.  The charge nurse tells me that they
are happy with  how she has progressed and that she can be moved to a side room as soon as one becomes available. He asks me about Lindsey's mobility before she went into hospital, I tell him as I have told anyone else who will listen that she was independently mobile, Annette came to visit Lins in the afternoon and is surprised to see her looking so well . David and Nic come for evening visiting and David tells the nurse in charge that we want to talk to the consultant at 1030 on Frid morning to have a proper update on where things stand.

Wed 9th Mar

This morning when I arrive at Hosp Lins tells me the physio has been and tried to get her out of bed and sitting in the chair she cried a lot as it was very painful.  She is still having oramorph and paracetamol for pain relief she is looking much like her old self again and her speech is back to normal if a little slower.The physio came back just before lunch and again attempted to get Lins up she was crying with pain I had to walk away as I felt like kicking the physio I know they have a job to do but she only had the op yesterday. Britt  and Michelle came to visit today. I arrived back at hosp in the evening David is there and also Belinda and Rich they have brought her loads of get well cards that have been made by the members of the day centre. One of the nurses asks me about Lindsey and how she was before she went into hospital and talks about her coming home and will I need any help with care. This is a bit out of the blue as she doesn't look near ready to come home to me.

Tues 8th Mar

I rang the trauma nurse at 830 she said that Lins was definitely having her surgery this morning and that she may go on to a ward called step down after the op so that they could monitor her closely. I busy myself doing housework by around 1030 I just want to get out so I head up to the hospital I feel like I live there at the moment. Lins still isn't back from the theatre so I go and have a coffee. She doesnt go to the step down ward she eventually comes back to  ward  407 at 12.45 the op went well so I'm told she is very sleepy as she has had a general anaesthetic,Lins drifts in and of sleep for the rest of the day and night they have given her some morphine for the pain.

Mon 7th Mar

Today David and Ewan both have hospital appointments, David and I arrive at 1130. Lins has gone for a chest x ray.David has to go for his app so I wait in waiting room for her to come back she arrives back at around 12pm.By this time Nicola has arrived with Ewan his app went well and he doesn't need to go back  some good news for a change. David takes Ewan back to school and Nic and I sit with Lins.She is quite perky and looks really well her speech is much improved. Lindsey has 2 new visitors today Sue Given and Natalie from Alternatives.Lindsey has been on this ward for 4 days now and we have had no updates or discussions with a Doctor. Tomorrow morning she is scheduled to have her ankle surgery providing the at her blood and potassium levels are ok. She still has no appetite and the hospital food is quite gross she is drinking plenty though and is looking really well its just her coordination and mobility that are a problem.

Sun 6th Mar

Nic and Jayne did the first sting at hospital today. Lins is much the same as yesterday quite chatty her speech has improved slightly still no coordination in her hands and no upper body movement. She still has no appetite and she has been given protein shakes to take. David and I arrived at hosp Nic and Jayne went off for a break.Heather and Jo came to visit Lins today she is a popular little lady. Belinda and Rich are visiting tonight so we take the opportunity to go home for a breather Jayne has gone back to Scotland. We arrive back at hosp at 7pm and discover that No visitors have been allowed on the ward due to emergency admissions its 7.35 before anyone gets to see her the staff are all very harassed and allow extra visiting time.

Sat 5th Mar

This. morning David Jayne and I went to the hospital ant 11, Lins is much the same as yesterday has no appetite a bit of a temperature but not so weepy. Nic arrived at about 12 we take turns sitting with Lins trying to encourage her appetite she is quite weak and lethargic. In the afternoon Eleanor and Danny came to visit they were a breath of fresh air Lins enjoyed seeing them.and they brought her some lovely presents. In the evening Lins is exhausted her voice still has that sleepy quality to it but she it is getting clearer,

Frid 4th Mar

Scott and I went to visit Lindsey whilst we were in the shop we got a phone call from the ward to day Lins was upset and wanted to see us so we went straight up.She was very weepy and upset and does not like being alone in hospital. During the course of the 2 hour visiting time 3 different lots of medical people came to see Lins for various things, this annoyed me as none of it was urgent and could have been done after the visiting hours.She had an assessment follow up from ITU, a kidney scan and a cannula put in her hand so they could take out the central lines that were in initially. Jayne came to visit from Scotland and in the evening we took it in turns to sit with Lins she is still very tearful and confused and wants me to stay the night with her. David spoke to a doctor who said she may not have to go on dialysis at all.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Thurs 3rd Mar

Arrived at hosp just after 11 another surprise Lins is sitting in a chair she is pleased to see us.  The nurse advises us that her kidneys have being playing up and that she will be transferred to the Renal ward its just a case of waiting for a bed to become free. They are now giving her food but she has no appetite the dietitian has suggested food supplement drinks until she can eat some more. At around 315 they start getting Lins ready to transfer to the renal ward we are asked to wait in the waiting it is another hour before we are allowed to see her again. During the day Lins has talked about why she is in hospital she says blood clots kill people but she not dead so this is good. Understatement really its bloody amazing ,she has had lots of visitor the renal ward is very strict on visitors and the hours are not so good I like to be there all day but for now can only be there 2till 4 and from 6 till 8.

Wednesday 2nd Mar

Nic and I arrived at the hospital at 830am, Lins is awake and very perky again she has had her food tube taken out and is being prepared for her trip to the theatre she is quite calm about it. Nic and I just keep her chatting she is doing so well its really great speech still not quite right but getting better, they took her down to theatre at 9am and I stayed with her until just before they took her through she is quite calm and happy.
She came back from theatre at 1230am she was awake but sleepy. She drifts in and out of sleep for a while, the nurse told me that she is to have a facial scan  at 4pm to check on her left eye which has been massively bruised and swollen since she woke up. At around 5pm the consultants do the rounds Mr Kiani says that she has done amazing and the results of the scan were clear good news again been a very busy day for Lins and she coped brilliantly.

Tues 1st March

Arrived at hospital Lindsey looked really perky her speech has improved slightly and its a bit easier to understand her. She has been taken off of the dialysis again.  A doctor from the renal unit came to talk to her they said Lindsey Kidneys had picked up and they were pleased with how they were going. They said that Lindsey probably would not need to go to the Renal unit and if she did it would probably be for only one session this again was brilliant news. By mid day Lins is flagging a bit and drifts in and out of sleep, in the afternoon the The orthopaedic surgeon came to discuss Lindseys ankle,they said that she needed something doing sooner rather than later to give her ankle the best chance for being as good as new,  the proposed surgery for the next morning. Lindsey got very upset she knows from previous experience that her ops have not always been successful, I explained that it really needed to be done she calmed down then I promised I would be there when she went to the theatre.

Monday 28th Feb

I arrived at the hospital today to the most amazing Surprise Lindsey was awake, she had woke up at 1030am I cried when I seen her . She is still very groggy and her speech is very slurred but she is trying really hard to talk to us I called David and Nicola  and they both mad there way to the hospital. We spent the day with her it was brilliant being able to talk to her she spent the day drifting in and out of sleep. She wanted to come home we had to explain that she really wasn't well enough yet she got a bit upset at this news. -

Sunday 27th Feb

No change today Lins is still stable but not woke up yet. A funny day today we spent an awful lot of time in the waiting room what with one thing and another.,Dr Optimistic was doing the rounds today, he again told us that they would take Lins off sedation and that we could say hello to her,this didn't happen again, she had to go back on the dialysis machine again.  There were a lot of visitors today Heather came again and Willie and Louise and also Belinda and Richard as well as us lot . And Jo came to see her in the evening.

Sunday, 27 February 2011

saturday 26th Feb

Arrived at hospital at 11am, Lindsey has a new nurse today she told us she has had a comfortable night but her kidneys are not flushing as well as they should so she is back on dialysis, they also had to give her a couple of units of  blood as her haemoglobin  was low. Was a busy day for visitor's as Heather came to see Lins and also Willie and Louise came down from Scotland to see her.  Medical wise today was quiet, the "fairly optimistic Doctor" was back today he told us they were going to stop the sedation and hopefully in the afternoon she would wake up and we could say hello to her. This didn't happen they sedated her more as they had to change one of her lines that was moving too much. Its this that I find the hardest they tell you one thing then they do another  ,I just want my daughter awake so I can talk to her its been 7 whole days since we last spoke it seems like a lifetime.

Friday, 25 February 2011

Friday 25th February 2011

Today we went to the hospital at 12pm, expecting to speak to a consultant after Lindseys CT scan.  Eventually at 5pm Dr Morris took us all into a room to discuss his findings.  The good news is, that there are no tumours anywhere in Lindseys body.  The bad news is, that she has 2 huge blood clots sitting in her pulmonary artery.  The 'clot buster' worked on the clot that caused Sundays cardiac arrest, but not on these.  Administering another clot busting drug is not an option, the risk of a bleed on the brain is too high.  Radiographers may have been able to remove the clots, but they are too far down, so now we are waiting to hear from the Cardiothorassic department as to whether or not they can do surgery to remove them. The scan showed that there are 2 areas of Lindseys brain which show deprivation of oxygen, however, these may not have been from the cardiac arrest (our diagnosis, not the doctors).  Dr Morris said that they were going to stop sedation, and let her wake, so they can fully assess whether or not there is damage to her brain, but later on, that was retracted, and she was sedated again because she has had such a traumatic day, with the CT scan, and procedures to measure the pressure in her heart.

Monday 21 Feb

We went to hospital there had been no major changes Lindsey was stable the machinery was doing all the work for her, her heart was pumping but with a lot of help from the ventilator,we spent  the day sitting by her bedside talking to her willing for her to get better, there wasn't much input from the consultants she was stable  Compared to where she was on Sunday Morning she was doing well..however her kidneys were not functioning properly so she was hooked up to a dialysis machine, all her other vital signs were going in the right direction.

Tues 22nd

Lindsey was stable no major changes the Consultant doing the rounds said that things were going in the right direction and that he was cautiously optimistic!! Lindseys sedation was stopped we were all hoping that she would wake up and we could talk to her ,we sat there talking to her willing for her to come round. What no one told was that after the kind of sedation that  Lindsey has had it could take around 96 hours for her to wake up.
Wed 23rd

Again we were told no change Lins is stable she is holding her own.  The consultant came round Dr Kiani he took David and I into a side room . He asked us to tell him how Lindsey had come to be there ,why I dont know as this is all documented in the notes. He then told us that he was really concerned Lindsey was still critically ill her organs were not functioning as they should and there were concerns that there might be brain damage and that could not be assessed until she woke up.  Lindsey is now off the dialysis machine

Thurs 24th.

Again no change Lindsey is stable , she is still sleeping and we are willing for her to wake up . The consultant came around this time his Name is Mr Morris again he takes us to a side room and asks us to tell him how Lindsey came to be here,which is now annoying me as its all in the notes however we comply.  He tells us that he doesn't want to scare us or blind us with science, but he is not happy with the way things are going with Lindsey he thinks there are other factors that may have caused her condition but as yet they have not found them he has major concerns bout her heart and wants do do another scan this is done by passing a probe down her throat and gives an excellent and accurate 3Dd pic of her heart .The result of this exploration shows that her heart has a thickening on it and they think this is something that has been building up over a long period, they now are not sure whether she actually had a blood clot at all. Its all baffling and very confusing he says his next move is to order a full body scan to get a bigger picture of what is really happening with Lindsey this is scheduled for 10am on Frid morning.

Sunday 20th Feb.

We arrived at hospital, Lins was still conscious but still not quite herself, the Doctor came and talked to us he said that Lins had had another seizure that morning. He said that she was quite ill but he didnt know what was causing the seizures and that she was being transferred to the ICU unit for closer monitoring. The team came to do the transfer they told us to meet them on the ward in about 15 mins and they would have to get her settled in and do their own assesments of Lindsey, we went for coffee.  We arrived at the ICU dept and were asked to wait in the waiting room. The ward Sister came and collected us and took us to a side room, we were introduced to Dr Low He told us that Lindsey was very ill she had a cardiac arrest caused by a blood clot on her lung ,she was critically ill and he was basically fighting to save her life.  Some time later they came and told us that they had managed to get Lindsey stable and we were allowed to see her It was pretty devastating she was hooked up to all sort of machinery that was working to keep her alive. Lindsey had been heavily sedated in order for the doctors to do what they needed to do without causing her any distress.  We were told at this point that she was stable and they were doing all they could do and now it was a waiting game.

Sat 19th Feb

Lindseys condition did not worsen she was stable overnight the doc told us that her blood samples were clear and that her scan was fine.The prognosis was that she had had epileptic fits but nothing else had occurred since the time she went on to the ward they were going to treat her with medicine for epilepsy starting her off on a really small dosage. They also said that she had a temperature and that there may be some kind of infection they would take a urine sample and get it tested they gave her some antibiotics to combat the infection.  They would continue to monitor her but as there was no further episodes all being well they would  discharge her at 330pm .  Lindsey was awake and lucid and said she felt a bit better but she still wasn't quite herself, I assumed that this was due to her infection and that in a day or so when the antibiotics kicked in she would be fine. I helped Lins get up and get dressed she was sitting up in the chair just waiting to go home we talked about having a takeaway for tea and she could choose what kind we would have.At some point in the day the doctor came to talk to us again he said they had decided not to treat Lins for epilepsy they were sure she had a seizure but they were not convinced that it was epilepsy,so it would be wrong to start her on these drugs that she might have to take for life.
At this point the prognosis changed , the blood tests that previously we were told were clear had showed that Linseys blood sugar was very high, they now thought that this was the cause of the low blood pressure etc we were told that they suspected she might be diabetic and that we should take her to the local GP to have this checked out.. 330pm came and went she was still in hospital I decided to go home for a break leaving Lindsey with Nicola,time passed and she still had not been discharged I arrived back at hospital Lindsey was looking worse and had gone back on the bed to lie down, she needed to go tho the toilet , I went with her she did what she needed to do and was washing her hands,she said I don't feel well I feel just like I did on frid,she turned round and her eyes were glazed I said Lins look at me focus and then she collapsed to the floor .
The crash team arrived we were sent out to the waiting room..
A nurse came and asked who was with Lindsey when she fell and asked me to describe what had happened which I did, she said obviously Lindsey wont be going home today.
When we went back to the ward Lindsey was again hooked up to the oxygen .they were taking blood samples which was very difficult as Lindseys veins were not very prominent, Lindsey was conscious she said she didn't feel well and that her ankle was really sore we mentioned this to the staff, turns out she had broken it when she fell in the bathroom. I went home at around 10pm I was exhausted Nicola stayed with Lindsey.

The week from Hell Frid 18th Feb

18th Feb

The day started normal I got up at usual time for for work. Lindsey had been sick in the night which is very unusual for her, I thought she would spend the day at home , however I bumped into her in the hall and she was as bright as a button, I continued as normal and went off to work. Had an uneventful day and came home around 215ish had lunch and was sitting watching TV, the phone rang it was Richard from the day center Lindsey had collapsed and they called an ambulance for her, I rang Nicola she came to pick me up and we drove to the hospital. We arrived before the ambulance, When the ambulance arrived I went out to meet it Lindsey looked awful she was hooked up to oxygen etc and was quite blue looking I was shocked.

The hospital people took over they hooked her up to oxygen, Belinda told me what had happened she collapsed in the street, and had a couple of fits in  the ambulance , this was confirmed by the ambulance people, she was stabilised in the A&E and given oxygen etc we were told she was being admitted to the assesment ward ,blood samples were taken and a person came with a portable scanner and took a scan of her head..
Doctors came to speak to us and ask about Lins medical history,did she have a history of epilepsy etc was she prone to seizures we said no, the only time she had a fit was when she was a baby and it was a feberal convulsion brought on by high temperatures. They took her to the ward she was put put on oxygen to help with her breathing etc/ the doctors said they thought she had some kind of epilepsy and were keeping her in overnight for monitoring we stayed with Lins as long as possible and eventually went home for some sleep.